First Benchwork for Main Level

A 68″ x 32″ piece of benchwork in and of itself is not terribly exciting, but to me, this piece is. It’s the first of many pieces for the main level, so it represents the first benchwork that will be covered in operational tracks and scenery. It’s the first piece that lets me feel the level of the trains during an operating session.

First piece of benchwork for main level
Here’s the first piece of benchwork for the main level

I had to pause on the helix project (you can see it half-built in the corner) because I ran out of plywood and had to wait a while to resupply. That got me thinking, though, that I need to put up a piece of benchwork so I can 1) see where the helix needs to connect, and 2) work the hidden track between St. Charles and Baker/Mayflower in before covering it with the helix. The hidden track will run right on top of this benchwork and under St. Charles; the St. Charles tracks will be about 2-3″ higher.

This piece of benchwork is a little strange in that it’s made of both 1×2″ and 1×3″ lumber. I needed the 1×2″ slimness to get the hidden track as low as possible, and I needed the 1×3″ on the fascia to give me plenty of room for switch controls and more support for leaning operators. It’s built to mirror the staging benchwork below it, so three risers in the middle of the crosspieces help make it sturdy.

I’ll admit progress has been painfully slow lately, but there is progress!

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