Monthly Archives: November 2019

Benchwork overview

Staging Level Benchwork Complete

Milestone - Staging Benchwork Complete
The staging level benchwork took just under a month start to finish. I guess I could have finished it in about two days if I didn’t have a job or family. . . a month’s good.

First, I want to apologize to all of you who so kindly posted comments just to have them not show up! I hope I’ve fixed my settings now to get notifications so I don’t leave anyone hanging again. The comments are there now, so thanks for your patience!

The benchwork for the staging level is now complete. I was worried that I would run out of pieces of 1×3 from the old layout, but now that I’ve built an entire level of benchwork, I’m not worried about that at all. The layout is small enough that it really doesn’t take that much lumber to frame a level.

The next step will be installing the basic wiring bus and plywood for the staging tracks.