First Benchwork is In

The first piece of bechwork
Here it is! The first piece of benchwork–finally!

Today was a big milestone on the St. Charles Branch–I installed the first sections of benchwork! I’m building open-grid benchwork from 1×3 lumber recycled from my previous layout. I started with the staging level (~30″ above the floor) at the reversing loop.

4 replies on “First Benchwork is In”

    • Rich, the stub-ended nature of the line doesn’t lend itself well to continuous running, so I’m left with staging. Originally I just had a reversing loop, but I’ve since added a continuous running connection to the plan. It will just be on the staging level, but it’s better than nothing.

  1. Great to see you building a new layout, Dan! The track plan for the St. Charles branch is one of my favorites you’ve created.

    Looking forward to seeing this come together over the years.

    • Thanks, Paul–I’ve really grown to love this area! I just wish there were some books describing move-by-move how this area was operated. I got a little spoiled with Ed and Hugh Wolfe’s books on the Interstate.

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