Well, this is why you draw it out when you change the plan instead of keeping it in your head (it’s all there, right?). As I was laying tracks in the Southern staging yard, I couldn’t make the math add up on the number of tracks coming into the yard. I had five tracks and the ties laid for four switches (normally good math to go from one track to a yard), but I kept feeling something was off. . .
Sure enough, I had laid ties for one extra switch! In the original plan, the yard ladder took the Southern from one track to five (four staging tracks plus the lead for the reversing loop), but when I modified the plan in my head to allow continuous running, one of the staging tracks that was co-opted for the continuous run no longer needed to connect to the yard lead. Yup, one extra switch!

Thankfully, I had only laid ties and not rail, so a little chisel, sandpaper and a Sharpie put things (almost) back to right. As those of you with layouts can attest, I’m sure this won’t be the last mistake I make, but I’m glad it was caught before I put a lot more work into something I’d have to tear out.