Hit a major milestone yesterday: the lower level tracks are complete! I completed the first scene, the end of the line at the Mayflower tipple, several months ago, and the last few months I’ve been working on the long scene at St Charles. St Charles – the branch’s namesake – was home to a wye, a depot, a couple small tipples, and a three-track “yard.” St Charles was also home to a mine run when the tipples were busy, so this is the central scene on the layout. All told, the St Charles scene is about 26 linear feet long and required 14 hand-laid switches (about 1/2 of them curved) and a couple of bridges.
Electrically, I made the entire Mayflower branch an auto-reversing zone for the wye. Can I just say the On-Guard AR solid-state DCC auto-reversers are awesome? The switching of polarity on the wye is absolutely seamless and unnoticeable–I highly recommend them! I also isolated a single rail of both the “house track” and “engine track” in the middle of the wye and will place a switch on the fascia. This will allow me to turn the power off to the two tracks that would hold idling power in case any sound locomotives get annoying. Next step is fascia and switch controls.
When’s the op session?
Looking good. One step closer to that Op Session video we all are waiting for. 🙂
Soon, my friends, soon… I’ve at least got to get the fascia on so I can mount switch controls. Otherwise operators would have to reach under the layout to throw switches. Considering one of the wye switches is about 4′ from the aisle, that’s no easy feat!
Great progress and execution of the plan. I enjoy living vicariously thru your efforts on a line I really like. Keep going… for all of us.