Rails for the Kemmergem Loader are almost complete
Progress on the upper deck is now in full swing! I’ve got the ties, some of the rail, and the backdrop for the Gin Creek Branch (Kemmergem) in place. This is the first rail I’ve laid on the upper deck, so it’s been good to knock the rust off. It’s been a good reminder that I really enjoy hand-laying track and find it relaxing. I’ve also finally followed through on a promise I made to my wife nearly 5 years ago to add some storage above the layout. It is nice being able to get some things off the floor and out of the way. Next step is finishing the rails and adding the wiring for the track.
My son recently got married, and his wife’s father came over to run some trains
On another note, my oldest son got married this month! His wife’s dad likes model trains, so it was fun having him over for a little impromptu ops session running the mine run to Mayflower.
Ties in for the Kemmergem loader
The upper deck backdrop is 24″ tall to create some distance from the lighting valance benchwork
The end of the Gin Creek Branch goes under the stairs and an air duct–this was by far the most challenging piece of backdrop to install!
Amazing what a lick of paint will do!
First rail laid on the upper deck! This is the junction of the Black Mountain main (left) and the Gin Creek Branch to Kemmergem (right)
The grungy, little used spur for the lumber yard and mining supply at Turners Siding–this is the only piece of code 55 rail so far, and I plan to bury it in dirt, so why bother with ties
My wife is very happy that after nearly 5 years I’ve delivered on the promise of adding some storage above the layout