VGN Stone Coal Branch, WV track plan HO

Track plan VGN Stone Coal Branch, WV HO scale
  • Size: 12′ x 14′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 30″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 27″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

VGN Logo (plain)The Virginian’s Stone Coal Branch near Mullens, WV served many loaders for both the Virginian and the C&O. This branch was worked by mine runs out of the Virginian’s large yard at Elmore. Typical power during both the VGN and early N&W eras was one or two Fairbanks-Morse Trainmasters. Stone Coal Junction was an active interchange point with the with the Chesapeake and Ohio. Although the C&O had trackage rights over the Stone Coal Branch, they opted to interchange hoppers bound for Stone Coal Branch loaders with the Virginian. The C&O … Read more

C&O Hawks Nest, WV track plan HO

Track plan C&O Hawks Nest, WV HO Scale - Main
  • Size: 10′ x 14′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 30″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 46″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

C&O Logo PlainThis layout packs a lot of track into a relatively small bedroom.  It focuses on the C&O’s Hawks Nest Branch, a small steam-era coal branch near MacDougal, WV, and a small portion of the mainline from Thurmond to Charleston, WV.  The branch was only three miles long.  This track plan is based on 1921 track charts and contains the three mines listed.  None of the mines were listed as active by 1966.

Main Deck

Track plan C&O  … <a href=Read more

L&N Lynch, KY track plan HO

Track plan L&N Lynch, KY HO scale
  • Size: 11′ x 17′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 30″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 27″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

L&N Logo PlainLynch, KY lay at the end of the L&N’s Poor Fork Branch east of Loyall, KY on the Cumberland Valley Division. The large loader at Lynch was owned by US Steel and loaded the “steel train” that ran between Lynch and Corbin, KY. Near Lynch were other loaders and few industries around Cumberland, KY.

The Layout

This bedroom-sized layout represents the end of the L&N’s Poor Fork Branch to Lynch, KY.  It is purposefully designed use narrow shelves to keep most of the interior of the room usable as … Read more

L&N Harlan, KY track plan HO

Track plan L&N Harlan, KY HO scale
  • Size: 10′ x 12′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 30″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 50″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

L&N Logo PlainHarlan, KY sat on the intersection of the L&N’s Martins Fork mainline and the busy Clover Fork Branch near Loyall, KY. In addition to the numerous coal trains running through, Harlan was home to a number of small industries and a neat station. The Layout This layout packs a lot of operation into a tiny area.  Because of the short staging tracks, train size is limited, but other than that, you’ve got 30″ radius curves and a large aisle to work in.  Additionally, the trackage under the layout allows … Read more

N&W Pond Creek Branch, WV track plan HO

  • Size: 8′ x 12′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 22″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 48″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

N&W Logo tuscan PlainThe N&W’s Pocahontas Division was full of small branch lines serving numerous coal tipples. The Pond Creek Branch was one of the smaller of these branches and makes a great subject for a bedroom-sized layout.

The Layout

This layout is designed for the beginner aiming to get a start in prototype modeling.   The basic design is nothing more than two 4×8′ sheets of plywood, so a small radius of 22″ was used.  The area represented is part of the N&W’s Pond Creek Branch which originates in Williamson, … Read more

INT Dixiana Branch track plan HO

Track plan INT Dixiana Branch HO scale
  • Size: 10′ x 12′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 24″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 24″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

Interstate Logo PlainThe Interstate’s Dixiana Branch sprouted from their Glamorgan Branch north of Norton, VA and served a handful of loaders including the large Dixiana No 1 tipple.

The Layout

This bedroom-sized layout represents the Interstate’s Dixiana and Glamorgan Branches as they appeared in the 60s and 70s during the transition from the Interstate to the Southern Railway. It begins at Holton, a few miles north of Norton and the site of the wye where the … Read more