L&N Eastern Kentucky Coal Fields, KY track plan HO

L&N EK Coal Fields, KY HO scale track plan

ARRM’s 100th track plan and first place winner for the 100th Track Plan Contest is Donald Dunn.

Donald’s idea is to model the L&N’s Eastern Kentucky (EK) Sub coal fields including Hazard, Dent, the Carrs Fork Branch, Leatherwood Branch and Rockhouse Creek Branch in the 1970s. Donald grew up in this area and later worked for the CSX out of Hazard–he’s always wanted to model this area. I loved the challenge of fitting a lot of branch lines and tipples into this space.

  • Size: 25′ x 25′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 29″ mainline, 27″ branch line
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by … Read more

C&O NYC Nicholas Fayette & Greenbriar Railroad, WV track plan N

C&O NYC NF&G N scale track plan
  • Size: 22′ x 30′
  • Scale: N
  • Minimum Radius: 20″ 
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

NF&G Map Rainelle, WVNYC LogoThe Nicholas, Fayette & Greenbriar railroad, more commonly known as the NF&G, was a paper railroad set up by the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) in 1929 to resolve the battle between the C&O and NYC on which road would serve the rich coal deposits being developed along the Gauley and Meadow Rivers. The heart of … Read more

SOU Oneida, Tennessee and Brimstone, TN track plan HO

Oneida, Tennessee and Brimstone HO scale track plan - lower level
  • Size: 27′ x 30′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Mainline Radius: 30″ (27″ Brimstone)
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 32″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

Southern LogoOne of the Southern Railway’s most famous lines is its Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific (CNO&TP) main through Tennessee and Kentucky where it was known as “the Rathole” for all its tunnels and bridges. Though this busy line ran through the heart of Tennessee coal country, it didn’t serve the coal operators directly. Instead, the CNO&TP interchanged with several short lines that ventured down into the valleys full of tipples to bring the coal up the slopes of the Cumberland Plateau to its mainline. These short lines included … Read more

L&N KD Sub track plan HO

Track plan L&N KD Sub HO scale - Lower
  • Size: 32′ x 32′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 27″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 27″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

L&N LogoThe L&N’s KD sub connected the coalfields of Kentucky to its connections and power plants in the south. Originally the Knoxville & Atlanta or K&A, the line ran south from Corbin, KY to Knoxville and on to Nashville, TN. In addition to the flow of coal from the L&N’s Eastern Kentucky (EK) and Cumberland Valley (CV) Divisions/Subs, the KD Sub had a modest number of loaders along its main along with several small branches including the Clear Fork Branch (Clairfield … Read more

C&O Prince and Quinnimont, WV track plan HO

Track plan C&O Prince to Quinnimont, WV HO scale
  • Size: 17′ x 41′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Mainline Radius: 34″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

C&O Logo PlainThe C&O’s New River District ran along its namesake river through many small hamlets with coal branches twisting off it in all directions from small coal marshalling yards along the double-track mainline. The small towns of Prince and Quinnimont are representive of this district. Prince was home to a passenger station and the junction with the Piney Creek Sub with tangled with the Virginian Railway to the west. Quinnimont was home to a small coal yard, engine terminal and wye which led to the short Laurel Creek Sub … Read more

VGN Mullens to Matoaka, WV track plan HO

Track plan VGN Mullens to Matoaka, WV HO scale
  • Size: 34′ x 37′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 36″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

VGN Logo (plain)Elmore, WV was the heart of the Virginian Railway’s coal operations. Besides being the major coal marshaling yard and and the base for mine runs and helpers, Elmore (along with nearby Mullens) was home to large facilities for big steam working the coal branches and mainline west and the electrics working the helper grade east and mainline to the Virginia coast. It was precisely for these attributes that a friend wanted to model this area.

The Layout

This large layout was designed for a friend who had … Read more

CRR North End track plan HO

Track plan CRR North End HO scale - Lower
  • Size: 22′ x 40′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 28″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

CRR Logo PlainThe Clinchfield’s coal loaders were mostly located north of Dante, VA, and that’s the focus here.  Three primary branches, the Freemont Branch, the Nora Spur and the Haysi, were all served by mine shifters (mine runs) and dumped hundreds of coal loads onto the mainline every day.  The Haysi Railroad, operated as a Clinchfield branch line, is renowned among coal field fans for the radio controlled B-unit that worked its tracks.  Dozens of loaders on the mainline and … Read more

C&O New River District, WV track plan HO

Track Plan C&O New River District, WV HO scale - Lower
  • Size: 28′ x 30′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 30″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

C&O Logo PlainThe Chesapeake & Ohio’s New River District was enormous and encompassed numerous coal marshaling yards and dozens of branches (“subs” in C&O lingo).  The C&O’s double-track mainline ran through the heart of the New River District from Deepwater, WV to Hinton, WV.  The marshaling yard at Thurmond, WV sat on the mainline in the middle of the district.  It served not only as a yard but also as a base for numerous nearby branches including the South Side Branch, the Loup Creek Sub, the White Oak Sub, Keeney’s Creek Sub, … Read more

INT Dorchester and Dixiana Branch, VA track plan HO

Track plan INT Dorchester and Dixiana Branch HO scale - Upper
  • Size: 21′ x 28′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 30″ (visible)
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 36″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

Dorchester & Dixiana Branch logoThe Interstate’s operations in and around Norton, VA and up the the Dixiana Branch were busy and interesting. In addition to the massive amounts of coal being generated on the branch, the mainline also saw a lot of movement of interchange traffic, particularly between the L&N at Dorchester Jct. and the Clinchfield at Miller Yard, the eastern end of the Interstate’s mainline. This layout (which was partially built in my former basement … Read more

L&N Cumberland & Manchester Branch track plan HO

Track plan L&N C&M Branch HO scale
  • Size: 20′ x 30′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 27″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

L&N Logo PlainThe Cumberland & Manchester Branch (C&M for short) was a part of the L&N’s Cumberland Valley Division.  It was located between the large yard and mainline at Corbin, KY and the principle mine-run yard of Loyall, KY.   The branch, which originated at Heidrick and ran to Manchester, was about 20 miles long and LOADED with loaders, particularly at the end of the branch.  In the height of the coal boom, several unit trains loaded on the branch including the O&W’s “Green Train.”

The Layout

This layout was designed to … Read more