New Manns Creek Railway Models and More

C&O Sewell, WV HO scale model scene by Tom Maule

If you haven’t seen them yet, you HAVE to check out the newest model photos! First up is some absolutely stunning work by Tom Maule who models the Manns Creek Railway in HOn3. For those unfamiliar with the Manns Creek, it was a 3′ narrow gauge operation that transported coal from mines at Clifftop, WV down into the New River Gorge where it connected with the C&O at Sewell, WV. Tom’s layout is almost entirely scratchbuilt including the 20-ton hoppers, the tipple and coke ovens at Sewell, and the town of Sewell on the mountainside. Tom also models the month of November, 1952, so his layout reflects barren trees, all of which have been painstakingly modeled. Truly awesome work that … Read more

NYC Piney Fork Secondary, OH track plan HO

NYC Piney Fork Secondary HO scale track plan by Dan Bourque
  • Size: 14′ x 17′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 24″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

NYC LogoFew people picture the New York Central when they picture coal-hauling railroads, but the NYC was a major player in the coal fields of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio. The NYC’s Piney Fork Secondary ran south from Alliance, OH into the rich coal deposits of eastern Ohio where it intertwined with coal lines of the Pennsy, the Pittsburgh & West Virginia (later N&W), and the Nickel Plate Road (formerly Wheeling & Lake Erie and later N&W). The nerve center for NYC’s coal … Read more

Cumberland Mine Railroad, PA track plan N

Cumberland Mine Railroad, PA N scale track plan
  • Size: 12′ x 12′
  • Scale: N
  • Minimum Radius: 15″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 27″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

The Cumberland Mine Railroad, built by U.S. Steel, is a coal hauler unlike any other. Built in 1975 to Class 1 standards, the 17-mile railroad is a hallmark of late 20th century engineering from start to finish, complete with a large, modern flood loader at one end and a similarly modern rapid-discharge dumper at the other. What makes the Cumberland Mine Railroad unique is that despite being surrounded on all four sides by lines of the former Monongahela Railway, The Cumberland Mine Railroad was completely isolated, miles from touching any other railroad. This makes it a great subject for those who … Read more

Book Review – The Monongahela Railway in Color, Volume 2

Book - The Monongahela Railway in Color Vol 2

By Stephen M. Timko
Morning Sun Books, 2020
ISBN 1582487103

Review by Dan Bourque

Book - The Monongahela Railway in Color Vol 2

Stephen Timko’s newest foray into the coal fields comes in the form of The Monongahela Railway in Color, Volume 2. This book is part of an anticipated three-part series, and volume 2 covers the West Division and branches, primarily the more modern branches on the road. … Read more

C&O Piney River and Paint Creek Sub, WV track plan HO

C&O Piney River and Paint Creek Sub HO scale track plan
  • Size: 13′ x 16′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 24″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 27″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

C&O LogoDespite the long name, the Chesapeake & Ohio’s Piney River and Paint Creek Sub was a very short affair, less than 7 miles in length. Unlike most coal branches, this line also served a small city (Beckley, WV) and several industries on its way to the coal loaders at the far end of the line. The short running distance, ample side tracks and mix of industries makes it a perfect prototype for a large bedroom-sized layout.

The Layout

This plan is … Read more

B&M Connecticut River Division, VT track plan N

B&M Connecticut River Div, VT N Scale Track Plan - Lower
  • Size: 14′ x 31′
  • Scale: N
  • Minimum Radius: 15″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

Here’s another track plan that’s a bit out-of-scope for the railroads covered on this site, but it’s a fun one for the northern area of the Appalachians. The Boston and Maine’s Connecticut River Division straddled the namesake Connecticut River along the border of Vermont and New Hampshire. The Central Vermont (CV) had trackage rights over this line from Brattleboro to Windsor, VT, and it formed part of the CV’s single north-south mainline. The favor was returned with the B&M having trackage rights on CV track from Windsor to White River Junction, VT where the B&M met up with other B&M lines … Read more

C&O Layland, WV track plan O

C&O Layland, WV O scale track plan
  • Size: 14′ x 14′
  • Scale: O
  • Minimum Radius: 48″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: N/A
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

C&O Logo

Layland, West Virginia lay at the end of the Chesapeake & Ohio’s 6-mile long Laurel Creek Sub that originated at the small yard at Quinnimont, WV on the New River. Like most of the early lines built from the New River, grades were steep (up to 4%), and switchbacks were used to access some of the tipples crammed into the tight hollows.

The Layout

This track plan represents the very end of the Laurel Creek Sub and the medium-sized tipple at Layland, and the track arrangements would … Read more

FJ&G, NY track plan HO

FJ&G, NY HO Scale Track Plan - Upper
  • Size: 13′ x 31′
  • Scale: HO
  • Minimum Radius: 24″ 
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

The Fonda, Johnstown and Gloverville, better known as the FJ&G, wasn’t exactly a “coal hauler,” but it’s a fun little railroad nonetheless. Nestled on the fringes of the Appalachians in New York, the FJ&G served many industries along its line and connected with the New York Central. The primary industry in the area was leather, but in addition to dozens of tanneries, the FJ&G served many customers including manufacturers and coal dealers.

The Layout

This layout represents the FJ&G in the transition era when power was moving from steam to Alco switchers. By this time, the FJ&G consisted of a single line from its connection with … Read more

Modeler Spotlight – Bob Chapman

C&O 2-6-6-2 in HO scale by Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman HO scale layoutBob Chapman standing in front of Cincinnati Union Terminal on his HO-scale Cincinnati-based layout

I had the privilege of visiting Bob Chapman’s HO scale, Cincinnati-based layout recently to see his work first-hand, and it was a non-stop parade of beautiful trains and meticulously built models.

B&O 4-6-2 Royal Blue in HO scale by Bob ChapmanB&O class P7A 4-6-2 Royal Blue speeds by on Bob Chapman’s layout

Bob loves many railroads, … Read more

My New Layout – Southern Railway St. Charles Branch

In addition to keeping up Appalachian Railroad Modeling, I’m a model railroader myself. A few years ago, I had to tear down my first layout [largely unfinished] based on the Interstate Railroad in Virginia in preparation for a move. My layout space in the new house is a bit smaller, so it gave me the opportunity to model something different. You’ve probably seen a few of the ideas as they’ve shown up in the track plans section of ARRM.

Just a couple weeks ago, though, I began construction on my new layout, a 12 x 16′ double-deck … Read more