Models by Jeff Kuebler
- Company town of Lost Creek by Jeff Kuebler. The town is fictional but draws from real-life inspiration for Jeff’s L&N layout
- Kitbashed Lost Island tipple on Jeff Kuebler’s L&N themed layout. The tipple is a heavily kitbashed Walther’s mine kit
- LN HO scale station by Jeff Kuebler. Even though the town of Lost Creek is fictional, this station follows L&N design
- In process HO scale company houses scratchbuilt by Jeff Kuebler
- In process HO scale company houses scratchbuilt by Jeff Kuebler
- In process HO scale company houses scratchbuilt by Jeff Kuebler
- Scratchbuilt HO scale company house by Jeff Kuebler. The laundry detail really adds to the realism
- Scratchbuilt HO scale company house by Jeff Kuebler
- Scratchbuilt HO scale company house by Jeff Kuebler
- Scratchbuilt HO scale company house by Jeff Kuebler
Models by Jeff Kraker
- Manns Creek Clifftop Strip Tipple O scale model by Jeff Kraker
- Manns Creek Clifftop Strip Tipple O scale model by Jeff Kraker
- Manns Creek Clifftop Strip Tipple O scale model by Jeff Kraker
- Manns Creek Office O scale model by Jeff Kraker
- Manns Creek Office O scale model by Jeff Kraker
- Manns Creek Office Interior O scale model by Jeff Kraker
Models by Tom Maule
- HO-scale scratchbuilt tipple and coke ovens at Sewell, WV on the C&O by Tom Maule
- Scratchbuilt HO-scale C&O Sewell, WV tipple by Tom Maule on Tom’s Manns Creek Railway layout
- Sewell, WV in HO on Tom Maule’s HOn3 scale Manns Creek layout
- C&O Sewell, WV HO scale model by Tom Maule
- C&O Coke Operation at Sewell, WV HO scale model by Tom Maule
- C&O Sewell, WV tipple HO scale model by Tom Maule
- C&O Sewell, WV HO scale model by Tom Maule
- C&O Sewell, WV tipple HO scale model by Tom Maule
- C&O Sewell, WV tipple HO scale model by Tom Maule
- C&O Sewell, WV HO scale models by Tom Maule
- C&O Sewell, WV HO scale models by Tom Maule
- C&O Sewell, WV HO scale models by Tom Maule
- Manns Creek Railway Mine No 7 HO model by Tom Maule
- Manns Creek Railway Mine No 7 HO model by Tom Maule
- Manns Creek Railway Clifftop WV HO scale scene by Tom Maule
- Manns Creek Railway Clifftop Strip Tipple HO scale model by Tom Maule
- Manns Creek Clifftop Strip Tipple HO scale model by Tom Maule
- Manns Creek Railway Clifftop Strip Tipple HO scale model by Tom Maule
Models by Chip Syme
- Scratchbuilt HO-scale Jensie Tipple
Models by Tom Patterson
- Scratchbuilt truck-dump loader by Tom Patterson
- Scratchbuilt truck-dump on an HO-scale loader by Tom Patterson
- Scratchbuilt office for a small HO-scale loader on Tom Patterson’s layout
- Scratchbuilt truck-dump coal loader based on Cumberland tipple on the Clinchfield by Tom Patterson
- Scratchbuilt truck-dump coal loader based on Cumberland tipple on the Clinchfield by Tom Patterson
- Scratchbuilt South Branch loader on Tom Patterson’s layout
- Scratchbuilt South Branch loader on Tom Patterson’s layout
Models by Brian Kelly
- Scratchbuilt Christopher Coal Company tipple at Laurel Fork on Brian Kelly’s C&O-based layout
- Scratchbuilt Christopher Coal Company tipple at Laurel Fork on Brian Kelly’s C&O-based layout
- Devin Coal Company tipple built from Industrial Heritage kit by Brian Kelly
- Scratchbuilt Beech Creek truck-dump loader by Brian Kelly on his C&O themed layout
- Company houses at Leewood on Brian’s layout
- Scratchbuilt “railfan house” house on the layout
- Wonderfully “lived-in” scene in one of the company towns on Brian Kelly’s C&O-based layout
- C&O GP30 from Proto 2000 model in front of YMCA boarding house from AMB kit
- C&O coaling tower from modified Tichy kit
- Scratchbuilt crew shelter on Brian Kelly’s C&O-based layout
- Scratchbuilt scale house on Brian Kelly’s C&O-based layout
Models by John Wilkes
- Scratchbuilt loader on John Wilkes’ previous layout
- Scratchbuilt truck dump loader on John Wilkes’ previous layout
Models by Dave Matheny
- Ammonium Nitrate facility from kitbashed and scratchbuilt parts by Dave Matheny
- Ammonium Nitrate facility from kitbashed and scratchbuilt parts by Dave Matheny
Models by Ryan Hilger
- Kitbashed coal loader on Ryan Hilger’s layout
Models by Tom Rimer
- Scratchbuilt truck dump coal loader by Tom Rimer on Kevin Yackmack’s layout
- Scratchbuilt “Armstrong #2” tipple by Tom Rimer on Kevin Yackmack’s layout
Models by Robby Vaughn
- O&W SD40-2s from Athearn models on Robby Vaughn’s layout
- Scratchbuilt model of the Rocket Coal Company at Coaldale on Robby Vaughn’s layout
- Scratchbuilt model of the Rocket Coal Company at Coaldale on Robby Vaughn’s layout
- Scratchbuilt model of the Joann loader on Robby Vaughn’s L&N layout
- Scratchbuilt model of the Joann loader on Robby Vaughn’s L&N layout
- Scratchbuilt L&N Fireking Tipple on Robby Vaughn’s layout
- Scratchbuilt L&N Fireking Tipple on Robby Vaughn’s layout
- Golden Oak Sapphire Prep Plant on Robby Vaugh’s L&N layout
- Golden Oak Sapphire Prep Plant on Robby Vaugh’s L&N layout
- SECX GP38-2s from Athearn models on Robby Vaughn’s layout
Models by Terry Ketcham
- Modified Walthers coal tipple on Terry Ketcham’s N&W layout
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