P&S South End, PA track plan HO

- Size: 10′ x 30′
- Scale: HO
- Minimum Radius: 27″ mainline (24″ on some spurs and the B&O)
- Minimum Aisle Width: 27″
- Designed by Dan Bourque
The south end of the Pittsburg & Shawmut Railroad occupied the west bank of the Allegheny River valley for its last 24 miles from Reesedale to Freeport, Pennsylvania. Along the narrow right-of-way were tipples, numerous industries, interchanges with the B&O and PRR, and the P&S headquarters at Kittaning. Unlike the northern section of the railroad which was marked by tunnels and tall trestles, most of the southern end was water-level with little grade. … Read more