Appalachian Railroad Modeling is happy to announce the newest railroad on the site, the Pittsburg & Shawmut. For those unfamiliar with the P&S, it was a quiet little coal hauler in western Pennsylvania that lasted from steam days through the 1990s. The P&S was known for its colorful fleet of EMD switchers (which were its mainline power) and its large fleet of “Shawmut” hoppers that plied the rails of many railroads in the 20th century. These pages were prompted by an excellent book released last year, “Pittsburg & Shawmut in Color” by Kurt Reisweber and Brad Esposito (read the full review here), and my search for photos and models was aided by Dennis Snyder and his website The Shawmut Line.

Custom detailed and painted HO scale SW9s in the Pittsburg & Shawmut’s classic yellow and red scheme by Dave Findley
Included with the P&S update is a history page with a map of the 88-mile long road, a P&S prototype photos page with a couple of photos (contact the site if you have more), and a P&S models page with a few great looking models on Al Crate’s HO scale P&S layout and the site’s first-ever Z scale models. Also included is the first of what I’m sure will be several P&S track plans, this one a bedroom-sized HO scale plan based on the area around the P&S’ Mahoning Yard and the Widnoon Branch which I’m rather happy with since it packs a lot of prototypical operation into a small space.
For those of you more interested in the roads of West Virginia, there are also several new photos of the tiny Winifrede Railroad from the late ‘7os on the Winifrede/Big Eagle photo page thanks to Jon Spurlock. Plenty of new material, so enjoy and keep those contributions coming!
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