In addition to keeping up Appalachian Railroad Modeling, I’m a model railroader myself. A few years ago, I had to tear down my first layout [largely unfinished] based on the Interstate Railroad in Virginia in preparation for a move. My layout space in the new house is a bit smaller, so it gave me the opportunity to model something different. You’ve probably seen a few of the ideas as they’ve shown up in the track plans section of ARRM.
Just a couple weeks ago, though, I began construction on my new layout, a 12 x 16′ double-deck design based on the Southern Railway’s St. Charles Branch in southwestern Virginia.
The St. Charles Branch was a neighbor to the Interstate Railroad, and it loaded a lot of coal for the Southern and the L&N which had trackage rights over the end of the branch. The St. Charles Branch was home to some great track arrangements and classic tipples that survived into the ’80s. I invite you to see more and follow my progress on the layout’s webpage, https://appalachianrailroadmodeling.com/stcharlesbranch/
I look forward to sharing more!
Great trackplan, Dan. Next to the Interstate, the St. Charles Branch is my favorite portion of the old Appalachian Division. You’ve done it justice for certain.
Any updates on the new layout, Dan?
I’ve been working on it slowly and steadily. I’ve almost got the subroadbed completed for the staging level. Next comes a bit of black paint and then the first rails! Should have an update post when I get to that point.
I know all about “slowly but streadily.” 🙂