NYC VGN Deepwater, WV track plan N

Track plan NYC VGN Deepwater, WV N scale
  • Size: 12.5′ x 18′
  • Scale: N
  • Minimum Mainline Radius: 16″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

NYC Logo PlainDeepwater, WV is a tiny town in the middle of West Virginia, but it was home to three major railroads: the C&O, NYC and Virginian. The C&O’s mainline through the coal fields between Charleston, WV and Hinton ran along the south bank of the Kanawha River through Deepwater, and the New York Central hugged the north bank of the Kanawha on its way from Charleston to Gauley Bridge, WV and the Nicholas, Fayette & Greenbrier (NF&G) coal field it … Read more

C&I Nanty Glo Branch, PA track plan N

Track plan C&I PRR Nanty Glo, PA N scale
  • Size: 10′ x 12′
  • Scale: N
  • Minimum Radius: 18″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

C&I Logo PlainThe C&I’s Nanty Glo Branch (later renamed the Cambria Branch) extended from Regan Jct. near Colver, PA to Revloc, PA (later Beth, PA after an extension in 1963). In addition to serving a handful of coal tipples, the line also offered a second connection with the Pennsy at Nanty Glo, PA in addition to the original connection a few miles west at Rexis, PA. The most interesting feature of the branch was the track arrangement to serve the tipple at Nanty Glo. A spur from the C&I branch to Revloc … Read more

A&O Cowen Sub track plan N

Track plan A&O CSX Cowen Sub HO Scale - Lower Level
  • Size: 20′ x 24′
  • Scale: N
  • Minimum Radius: 18″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

aologoThe B&O’s Cowens and Pickens Subs, later the CSX Cowen Sub and most recently the Appalachian & Ohio Railroad, has always been one of the major coal branches in northeastern WV. In its current iteration (2010), the line is about 120 miles long  with 153 miles of track including smaller branches, it serves seven unit train loaders, and it connects with three short lines. While most of the grades on the line are “coal train friendly” (upgrade for … Read more

PRR NYC Cherry Tree & Dixonville, PA track plan N

Track plan PRR NYC Cherry Tree & Dixonville, PA N scale - Upper
  • Size: 14′ x 16′
  • Scale: N
  • Minimum Radius: 15″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque thanks to help from Henry Statkowski

PRR Logo (plain)Sometimes in the coalfields, even the fiercest of competitors join forces for a common benefit. The Cherry Tree & Dixonville was formed in 1903 as a paper company owned jointly by the New York Central and Pennsylvania Railroad. The CT&D was essentially 34 miles of coal branches which extended from the PRR’s Susquehanna Extension Branch and the NYCs Pittsburg & Eastern line from Clearfield, PA, the heart of NYC coal operations in Pennsylvania. The NYC operated mine runs on the CT&D out of … Read more

WM Thomas Sub WV track plan N

Track plan WM Thomas Sub, WV N scale - Lower
  • Size: 20′ x 20′
  • Scale: N
  • Minimum Radius: 18″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

WM Logo PlainThe heart of the WM’s coal fields was Elkins, WV. The yard at Elkins was the sending and gathering point for mine runs and locals working the four lines west including the B&O connection to Belington, WV, the branch to Mill Creek, WV, the winding line to Webster Springs, WV and the branch to a connection with the C&O at Durbin, WV. These lines supplied the WM with loads of coal and lumber products. From Elkins, the loads … Read more

CRR Fremont Branch, VA track plan N

Track plan CRR Fremont Branch, VA N scale
  • Size: 7′ x 11′
  • Scale: N
  • Minimum Radius: 15″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 28″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

CRR Logo PlainFew branches in the Appalachians saw more coal than the Clinchfield’s Fremont Branch. Like every other coal branch, it was lined with loaders of various sizes, but at the end of the branch lay the massive Moss No. 1 prep plant.  There are many characteristics that made the Fremont Branch interesting.   First, the profile of the branch climbed a ridgeline from the CRR main, punched through Bear Penn Gap Tunnel, and then descended most of the way to the end of the line at Moss.  Second, Moss was … Read more

MGA Waynesburg & Southern track plan N

Track plan MGA Wayesburg & Southern N scale - Lower
  • Size: 10′ x 15′
  • Scale: N
  • Minimum Radius: 18″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 30″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

MGA Logo PlainIf you like unit trains, big loaders and lots of different railroads, this is a great plan for you!  The Waynesburg & Southern was built by the Pennsylvania Railroad (a 1/3 shareholder in the Monongahela) and opened in 1968 to serve three large coal loaders being built around Blacksville, WV.  From its inception, it was operated as a branch of the Monongahela.  The Monongahela had its own branch to Blacksville, but it was too old, too steep and too full of curves to operate unit trains, so it was … Read more

L&N Martins Fork, KY track plan N

Track plan L&N Martins Fork, KY N scale
  • Size: 11′ x 13′
  • Scale: N
  • Minimum Radius: 18″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 27″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

L&N Logo PlainThe Martins Fork Branch, despite its name, was actually a mainline on the L&N’s Cumberland Valley Division.  The line extends from Loyall, KY to Smiley, VA where it goes through the Hagans Switchback to meet up with the old CV main.  As a mainline, it handled most of the coal traffic from Loyall bound for the Southern, Clinchfield, and N&W.  In addition to being a mainline, it was also home to several loaders and other, smaller coal branches, including the Crummies Creek Branch with its Lick Branch Spur which … Read more

INT Norton and Dixiana Branch track plan N

Track plan INT Norton and Dixiana N scale
  • Size: 9′ x 9′
  • Scale: N
  • Minimum Radius: 12″
  • Minimum Aisle Width: 48″
  • Designed by Dan Bourque

Interstate Logo PlainThe Interstate’s Dixiana branch north of Norton, VA was home to several coal loaders and served by two mine runs per day.  A small yard at Norton was used by the Interstate’s first and third mine runs and “Hill Crews” bound for the Clinchfield at Miller Yard to sort cars bound for the Southern and L&N (west) from those bound for the Clinchfield (east) and the N&W at Norton.  The N&W’s medium-sized yard at … Read more